Find out how our move to eXp benefits our clients and team.

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about our recent move from Keller Williams to eXp, so I wanted to take a moment to explain why we made this decision and why we’re excited about our new partnership.

First and foremost, this move offers us the chance for a nationwide impact and expansion. With eXp’s national and even global model, we can help more clients, support our team, and welcome agents from across the country into our world. Unlike Keller Williams’ local franchise model, eXp’s structure allows it to grow beyond the DMV area and make a broader impact.

Secondly, remote opportunities were a significant factor. As many of you know, we had a static office in Prince William County, but with most of our team working remotely, maintaining a physical office no longer made economic or practical sense. eXp’s remote real estate model aligns perfectly with how we operate today.

“This move isn’t about where we’ve been; it’s about where we’re heading.”

Another reason for our move is the need to replant to somewhere bigger. Just like plants thrive when transferred to larger pots, our business can expand more effectively within eXp’s expansive framework. This move isn’t about where we’ve been; it’s about where we’re heading.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that relationships are about people, not brokerages. We’ve cherished our time with Keller Williams, and we’ll always consider ourselves KW alumni. We’ve built strong connections that will continue regardless of our brokerage affiliation. For us, it’s always been about people over brokerages.

If you’re considering a brokerage move and want to learn more about eXp, we’d love to chat. Rest assured, our commitment to our clients remains unchanged. This new platform simply positions us for future growth. Just give us a call!