I was able to tell the story of my career on the Virtual Hope Speaker Series.

I recently had the pleasure of making a guest appearance on the Virtual Hope Speaker Series with Nicole Cox, and today I’ll share our discussion with you. I was able to tell the story of my career. We covered a variety of topics and important themes, including how I overcame dyslexia, how I got started in real estate, and how I stay motivated. 

Cited below for your convenience are timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video. Feel free to watch it in its entirety or use these timestamps to browse specific points at your leisure: 

2:31—My dyslexia story

8:30—How to handle setbacks

10:22—Hope and success

16:40—How I got here/Who inspired me/Who’s in my circle

22:27—Be blessed

25:50—Be deliberate with habits

29:53—Don’t overthink things

31:34—How I got started in real estate

38:47—The silver lining

40:41—How I motivate myself/The power of your words

43:34—Wrapping things up

If you have questions about the topics discussed today or have any real estate needs at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m happy to help.