Here’s what you need to know about the wonderful Dawn Knox.

What’s it really like when you work with our team? Whether you’re buying, selling, or investing, we strive to bring you the best service possible. A big part of the experience we provide is Dawn Knox, our client care manager. Dawn has been with us for 20 years, and she’s an essential part of what we do. We thought it would be a good idea to ask her a few questions so that you can get a better feel for what she does and how we serve you. 

Dawn likes to think of herself as an open book, but if she had to share one interesting fact, it’s that she and her husband love wine. They make their own on the side, but their ultimate goal is to travel the world and visit famous vineyards. Since this is her bucket list item, it’s no surprise that she prefers wine to beer or liquor. 

If she could tell her younger self one thing, it would be to listen more to what people have to say. Every criticism is not a personal attack against her; instead, it’s often advice intended to help her grow in whatever she’s doing.

“Dawn has seen everything at this point.”

Ultimately, Dawn prefers country life to the city, but she loves helping people find their dream locations no matter where they are. She loves lakes, but she isn’t sure if she’d like to live right on one. 

While she loves the DMV, if she had to move somewhere else, it would have to be by Charlotte wine country, specifically Orange or Madison county. 

According to Dawn, the care we provide our clients is what sets our team apart. We serve our clients beyond their transactions so that they’re set up for the future. Dawn’s favorite part about real estate is that we educate people on how they can use their homes as  wealth-building devices long-term. 

Actually, Dawn is a licensed Realtor even though she works back of house. That being said, she’s seen it all; whatever issue our clients have, she can help them. 

Finally, her favorite quote is, “When you get to where you’re going, turn back around and help the next one in line. Always be humble and kind,” which is from a Tim McGraw song. 

If you have questions for Dawn, just reach out at 703-991-7900. Meanwhile, don’t hesitate to call or email us with any questions. We’d love to hear from you.