Discover the potential of investment properties.

Have you ever thought about buying an investment property? If you haven’t, now might just be the time. As a source of passive income and a means of generating wealth, investment property is unparalleled. Today, we had the opportunity to sit down with Mike, one of our clients, and discuss his path to owning multiple, lucrative properties.

Feel free to watch the full message above or use these timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video:

0:00 — Introduction: Mike

0:52 — Cashflow on the second property

2:07 — The down payment

3:15 — Tax information

4:14 — Buying the third property

5:16 — On multiple mortgages and possibilities

Remember, if you have any questions about the process of buying investment properties or real estate in general, please feel free to reach out to us by phone or email. We would be happy to serve as your resource for all of your real estate needs.