Here are my predictions for the year ahead in our DMV market.

Welcome to your 2021 DMV housing outlook! Every year during this time, I like to look back on the previous year and share my thoughts and predictions about what lies ahead. We’re still in a seller’s market, but that may very well start to change soon. Interest rates and inventory will make or break your plans if you’re a buyer or seller. 

Feel free to watch the video above in its entirety to get all my predictions or use these timestamps to skip ahead to various sections at your leisure: 

0:26—Watch interest rates closely

1:02—Why I think inventory levels will convince sellers to cash out

1:51—If you’re thinking of investing, look to the ‘tertiary’ counties (i.e., those outside the Beltway)

3:07—How increasing home renovation costs affect you

4:08—We’re still in a seller’s market, but that could change for one of two reasons 

5:04—The last word from CNBC

6:10—Wrapping things up

As always, if you have questions about our DMV market or are thinking of buying or selling a home soon, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m happy to help.