Washington DC Real Estate Video Blog

Sharing My Story on the Virtual Hope Speaker Series

  • Sharing My Story on the Virtual Hope Speaker Series

    I was able to tell the story of my career on the Virtual Hope Speaker Series.

What It’s Like to Sell a Home With the AJ Team at Your Side

  • What It’s Like to Sell a Home With the AJ Team at Your Side

    Here’s what it’s like to have the AJ Team sell your home.

Why Team Is Better Than Solo Agent

  • Why Team Is Better Than Solo Agent

    Here’s how a recent client describes working with The AJ Team.

How to Be a Good Airbnb Guest

  • How to Be a Good Airbnb Guest

    Here are three good tips for how to leave an Airbnb.

Your 2021 DMV Housing Outlook

  • Your 2021 DMV Housing Outlook

    Here are my predictions for the year ahead in our DMV market.

Our Clients Are Our Family

  • Our Clients Are Our Family

    Mrs. Taylor is glad to be a part of our family, and we’re glad to be a part of hers.