Washington DC Real Estate Video Blog

The Wrong Tenant Could Cost You More Than a Headache—Much More

  • The Wrong Tenant Could Cost You More Than a Headache—Much More

    Beyond the headache, having a bad tenant in your rental property can cost a lot more than you think.

How Land Affects Your Home Value

  • How Land Affects Your Home Value

    A home sitting on five acres and a home on half an acre aren’t worth the same, but their values aren’t as different as you might think.

Why Would Your Agent Lie to You?

  • Why Would Your Agent Lie to You?

    There are a couple reasons why your agent would lie to you, but you can avoid this situation by communicating with them regularly.

What 3 Real Estate Lessons Could You Be Teaching Your Kids?

  • What 3 Real Estate Lessons Could You Be Teaching Your Kids?

    There are three real estate lessons that I like to teach my kids that I invite you to teach your kids too.

A Quick Look at the Current Stats From Prince William County

  • A Quick Look at the Current Stats From Prince William County

    You need to have a marketing plan because your home may be sitting a little longer than what you anticipate.

What 3 Things Can Kill Your Home’s Value?

  • What 3 Things Can Kill Your Home’s Value?

    There are three things that can kill your home’s value if you are unaware of them.