Help us make a difference in our community by donating supplies to those in need.

I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe, healthy, and blessed! As you may already know, we’ve run a mentoring program for the past four years at a local Title I school. With the school year having ended abruptly, my wife and I instantly became first- and third-grade teachers on top of selling real estate. We understand the significance of schools and the teachers who work in them, and that has led to us giving more support to the kids we mentor.

“People need simple things to help them get by, including food, gift cards, hygienic supplies, etc.”

Last week, we reached out to all our mentoring kids to see what we could do to help them, and before we even got to the parking lot of the building, we saw a line of cars full of parents and kids in need from all across the county. The 10 families we worked with became 50 families.

That’s why we’re reaching out to friends and past clients for help. These people need simple things to help them get by, including food, gift cards, hygienic supplies, etc. Whatever you can donate to help out these people in need would be greatly appreciated.

If you can donate any supplies and become a blessing to our community, please feel free to reach out to us directly for more information and opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives.