Will you help us to help those in need this holiday season?

One of AJ Team Realty’s core values is “be a blessing.” This year, we’ve had to undergo a bit of a change when it comes to being a blessing to our community. We’re so used to being able to go to the schools and mentor students, and just generally address any needs as they’re presented.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that one of our clients, Megan Radcliffe, had unfortunately passed away. She was a social worker in Manassas, and I would always call her around this time of year to ask her who we could bless. Megan would always get us a good list and hold us accountable for getting things done.

“I’m not just a person of prayer but also a person of action.”

This year we reached out to one of Megan’s good friends Erin, a guidance counselor at a local high school. She helped us to identify 11 families, who we gave $100 gift cards from Wegmans to help them make a Thanksgiving dinner.

I woke up in the middle of the night recently thinking about these families, and I asked God to cover and provide for them. I heard Him speak to me in response: It wasn’t on Him to help them, but rather on us. I’m not just a person of prayer but also a person of action, and I thought these gift cards were just one way that we could really help those in need.

You can also help us spread the love this season by following this link, where you can donate gift cards to people who need them. If there’s a specific family you want to help, you’re more than welcome to do that, as well.

Reach out to us if you know of anyone who could use a little blessing this holiday season or if you have any questions. We’d love to hear from you.