Here’s what it means to be a dreamer that gets out of bed and actually works toward their dreams.

If you only believe that which you can see in the present or immediate future, it means you’re not dreaming big enough.

That being said, if you’re dreaming all day in bed and lack the resolve to get up and put together a plan of action, then you’re just stuck in a dream—or a nightmare.

When folks start reading a book, people tend to start at the beginning, then peek at the final chapters to know how it all turns out. People don’t like reading the middle of a book, because there’s a lot of faith in the middle, and a lot of work, too.

People are only interested in your success. They want to know how much money you make and how many houses you have; they never want to hear about your failures.

Here are few of my mentor/ father’s mistakes, as told by him:

“Not listening to my gut. For example, there have been times I held on to properties when I should have let go, and other times when I held on to some that should have been sold. I purchased some properties at $80,000 or $90,000, and several would have been worth over $500,000 now.

“People don’t like the middle of a book, because those chapters are where the faith is needed.”

Not seeking counseling. I didn’t have enough people around me to give me advice when I was starting out.”

That last point is critical. The AJ Team has some very smart clients: doctors, lawyers, CEOs, etc., yet, no matter their intelligence or professional know-how, they’re very concerned about our opinion as real estate agents. They know their limitations. They know real estate is what we do everyday.

Building a vision comes down to seeking out the viewpoints of others who may be able to see what you can’t. Though a specific situation or process may be brand-new to you, a person who’s been through it numerous times will always be able to see things more clearly.

In the words of L.A Johnson, “Leave the Beamer at the car dealership, buy the dealership building. Do that, and you’ll never regret it.” Dreaming big is integral to building a vision.

As always, if you have questions related to this topic or real estate in general, please feel free to reach out by phone or email. I’m happy to have an honest conversation with you about dreams, failures, and industry realities.