Washington DC Real Estate Video Blog

LA talks about his journey from 0 to 50 units. #PowerofVision

  • LA talks about his journey from 0 to 50 units. #PowerofVision

    Here’s what it means to be a dreamer that gets out of bed and actually works toward their dreams.

Race and Real Estate #MyStory

  • Race and Real Estate #MyStory

    In light of recent events, I want to share my story of how I got into real estate.

Pandemic real estate investment opportunities? #WhereAreThey

  • Pandemic real estate investment opportunities? #WhereAreThey

    Now’s the time to get into real estate investing.

How is the Coronavirus affecting our local housing market?

  • How is the Coronavirus affecting our local housing market?

    How will the coronavirus affect the DMV real estate market?