Washington DC Real Estate Video Blog

Can I Still Dunk at 44?

  • Can I Still Dunk at 44?

    Can I still dunk a basketball at age 44? Let’s see.

Selling home to go into assisted living #SpringfieldVA

  • Selling home to go into assisted living #SpringfieldVA

    No matter what your situation is as a home seller, we can help find a solution. Here is another example of how we’ve done that.

3 Vital Real Estate Lessons I Recommend Teaching Your Kids

  • 3 Vital Real Estate Lessons I Recommend Teaching Your Kids

    Here are three vital real estate lessons you should teach your kids.

Onsite Renovation Seminar Saturday Feb 1st - Limited Space available

  • Onsite Renovation Seminar Saturday Feb 1st - Limited Space available

    If you’re curious about what you can do to help your home sell for top dollar, our upcoming renovation seminar will be a huge help. Here...

How We Added $23,000 to Our Clients Condo Sale

  • How We Added $23,000 to Our Clients Condo Sale

    As today’s story will demonstrate, it’s important to have a strategy when selling your home.

How to Pass A Referral 101

  • How to Pass A Referral 101

    To increase your referral business, it’s important that you know how to properly pass them on. Here are four tips to keep in mind.