Now’s the time to get into real estate investing.

This is a valuable time for anyone who wants to be a real estate investor.

Whether you’re new to the investment world or just haven’t jumped in with both feet yet, it’s important to do something uncomfortable in the next six months. It doesn’t matter if you’re investing in a property, business, or idea—you have to make some kind of capital deposit into something that won’t pay off now but will in the next 10 to 15 years.

I’ve been speaking to several of my real estate mentors and fellow business owners lately, and they’ve said a few things that have resonated with me. First, you never want to jump on a horse when it’s running at full speed. That is to say that since this metaphorical investing horse isn’t running at full speed, now’s the time to jump on it. 

“When it comes to real estate investing, you need to play the long game.”

Second, you need to practice investing. You don’t need to buy everything right now, but you do need to make a conscientious decision to run forward when 99% of the population is running backward. That’s how relationships are built and fortunes are made.

When it comes to real estate investing, you need to play the long game. Anything you buy should be a 20+ year asset. If you don’t have the money to buy real estate, that’s fine. Try investing in a course or coach instead. Keep in mind that you’re looking to build the skills and habits of an investor so that you’re ready for the next time the market corrects. If you don’t practice these skills and habits now, you won’t be able to maximize the opportunity later.

I’m glad I practiced the skill of buying properties back in 2008 and 2009 because that skill helped me assess risk and make sound decisions when others couldn’t.

If you’d like to know more about becoming an investor or have any questions at all about this topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m here to help.

Remember—you have the dream, we have the address.