Today my father joined me to discuss the power of positive partnerships.

2020 is the year of partnerships. To demonstrate the power of partnership, imagine you were climbing a mountain. If, for some reason, your foot slipped and you began to fall, a partner could catch the rope and pull you back up so you could regain your footing.

The strength in partnership is that you can cover more ground with someone else than you could by yourself. You can leave a lot of options on the table if you don’t partner with like-minded people with whom you have chemistry. 

Some people out there don’t want to find a partner because they want to be the boss, or they want to partner with someone who already is their boss. How do they navigate those situations?

“If one is committed only to being the boss, then the partnership just won’t work.”

Many people never get off the ground because they’re ego-driven. My father is almost 70 years old and he still listens to me and comes to me for advice. The key to strong partnerships is to consider yourselves equally yolked. If one is committed only to being the boss, then the partnership just won’t work.

If you’d like more great guidance on the power of partnerships and how to sustain them, I highly encourage you to read “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason. Otherwise, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.